Beyond Sensationalism: In 2024, ProCredit Bank transformed the way we do business

Having shown that banks can work transparently and treat their customers as individuals, the bank is now looking to the future While other businesses are busy tallying their financial year in a flurry of transactions, ProCredit Bank is taking a retrospective look that shows its authentic image – without any hype or empty phrases. Their focus is […]

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Bulgaria ranks among top countries in providing favourable environment for starting businesses – World Bank report

Bulgaria ranks among top countries in providing favourable environment for starting businesses – World Bank report The World Bank released its Business Ready annual ranking, based on its updated survey of business conditions in 50 countries around the world. Business Ready 2024 is structured around three key pillars that reflect the opportunities for doing business […]

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Standard and Poor’s affirmed Bulgaria’s ratings, with a stable outlook

The international credit rating agency S&P Global Ratings affirmed its long-term and short-term foreign and local currency sovereign credit ratings on Bulgaria at “BBB/A-2”. The outlook remains stable. The stable outlook balances Bulgaria’s weaker economic growth prospects in the near term and elevated domestic political uncertainty against Bulgaria’s low net general government debt and contained […]

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Plovdiv is the second IT&BPO center in Bulgaria

Plovdiv is the second IT and BPO center in Bulgaria in terms of both number of companies and employees, which exceed 7,000. Given the trends, this number is expected to increase by nearly 5,000 people in the coming years. The Outsourcing sector is one of the fastest growing in Bulgaria and the pandemic not only […]

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Additional investments show the long-term intentions of local and foreign investors in Sofia

Over the past months, several international companies established business operations or expanded their current operations in Sofia. The city offers indisputable advantages that attract investor interest, and the decisions for additional investments show their long-term development plans in our country. Sofia is the largest economic center in Bulgaria, producing 40% of the county’s GDP and […]

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FREE MOVEMENT OF GOODS – COVID-19 AND THE MOVEMENT OF GOODS IN THE SINGLE MARKET   We would like to inform you that the European Commission has published several documents related to COVID-19 and the free movement of goods in the single market. In its Communication of 13/3/2020, the Commission emphasized that national measures restricting […]

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Business in Bulgaria – Getting a license for transporting goods and people. Conditions to obtain a Community license for passenger and freight transport operations in Bulgaria. According to Art. 2 Par.1 or ORDINANCE no. 11 of the Minister of Transport, Information Technology and Communications for international passenger and freight transport, dated from 31 October 2002 […]

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Business in Bulgaria Wood Products Sector

With a population of more than 7 million and an  area of more than 110,000 square kilometers, Bulgaria is recognized as a medium-sized European country. Bulgaria, like many of its eastern European neighbors, has large forested areas across its territory. In addition, forests cover more than 4 million hectares or 37 percent of the total national […]

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Medicinal herbs for good health and business

For the ninth consecutive year, Bulgaria ranks first among EU countries in the production of herbs and spices. According to Eurostat data, just over 71,000 tons of aromatic and medicinal plants and spices were harvested in the country in 2018. The harvest of the second in the ranking, Poland, is nearly twice as small – […]

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