Bulgaria climbs 11 positions to 47th place of 115 countries in the annual Euler Hermès business digitization rating. With this result, our country becomes the most dynamically developing country in the region of Central and Eastern Europe , commented from the association.
The EDI (Enabling Digitalization Index) assesses the working conditions and development of digital companies , as well as the opportunities for digitalization of businesses in their countries. For this purpose, 5 criteria are used – regulations, knowledge, connectivity, infrastructure and dimension . The maximum possible score is 100 points.
With good ratings for regulations and connectivity, Bulgaria to outperform its neighbors Serbia (50th), Romania (56th), Turkey (48th), as well as Croatia and Montenegro. Ahead of us are some other countries in the region – the Czech Republic (27th), Slovenia (31st), Hungary (34th), which are also making progress.
Analysts say that the EDI index does not measure the digitalization itself in the country concerned, but specifically on the conditions for #BusinessDevelopment through digitalization and the risks of delay. Along with the data on the contribution of the digital economy to GDP, factors such as growth of e-commerce , the new services , big data and CloudTechnologies , robotics and automation , the impact on productivity and the development of education are tasks into account.
According to Euler Hermes experts , tracking the EDI is important for business because of the new economic reality – currently about one fifth or global GDP is generated by the digital economy.