The Executive Agency for the Promotion of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (BSMEPA) has signed a Cooperation Agreement with the Institute of Creative Industries and Business at the University of National and World Economy that will help raise awareness among Bulgarian SMEs about intellectual property and technology transfer issues.
The document was signed during a meeting between BSMEPA Executive Director Dr. Boyko Takov and Institute of Creative Industries and Business Director Prof. Dr. Vladia Borisova.
The agreement provides for joint organization of information meetings, open days, training seminars and other events that will allow businesses to gain easy access to information on the programs of the Training and Consulting Institute, as well as on its research in the field of intellectual property, innovation and cultural industries, digitalisation and cultural heritage.
The two sides agreed that the promotion of technology transfer to business is essential for the country’s innovative development. Mr Takov told more about the work of the Agency on improving the contact between the academic world and the enterprises, informing Prof. Borisova about the forthcoming BSMEPA event, organized jointly with The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences under the title “Science for Business“, which will present the latest achievements of BAS, ready to turn into a successful business.
The Executive Director of BSMEPA presented to the Director of ICIB one of the latest initiatives of the Bulgarian SMEs Competency Improvement Agency – the webinar series. During the meeting the two agreed to jointly organize online seminars.