While  Belgium  is  one  of  the  highest  taxation  countries  around  the  world, the West  European  country  continues  to  increase  its  citizen’s  tax  burden.

Taxes  of  47% of  its  Gross  Domestic  Product  (GDP)  were  raised  in  Belgium  in  2017.  The  figure  in  2018  was  47.2%.

Belgium has a high-tax silver medal in the EU. France took the gold medal, collecting taxes amounting to 48.4% of its GDP, in 2018.

Belgian employees are rated as the fifth most expensive workforce in the EU as a result of high labor taxation. But Belgian employees are nine in the EU on the basis of their net income. Of every € 2.01 paid by their employers, they just take home one euro.

In the EU ranking list of high-tax countries, Belgium is also listed as a high-ranking tax burden on married couples with two children in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The OECD reports that an average married employee with two children pays 37.3% of the income to the government in the form of tax, while the OECD average is 26.6%.

The  lowest  fiscal  burden  in  the  EU  is  in  Ireland,  Romania  and  Bulgaria. Ireland  taxes  23%  of  its  GDP, the  estimates  of  Romania  and  Bulgaria  are  27.1  and  29.9%.

The  interest  in Bulgaria  to  entrepreneurs  is  especially  high, as  the  Balkan  country  has  flat  personal  and  corporate  tax  rates  of  just  10%. This  is  why  entrepreneurs  from  Belgium  and  other  high-tax  EU  countries decide  to  move  to  Bulgaria.


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